Empire State Steak Frites, A Culinary Journey Through New York's Iconic Dish Beef Recipe

 Empire State Steak Frites 


Imagine a perfectly cooked steak, juicy and tender, paired with crispy, golden fries. This is the essence of Steak Frites, a dish that has captivated food lovers worldwide. Now, take that classic dish and add a New York twist—welcome to the world of Empire State Steak Frites. This unique variation brings the flair and flavor of New York to a beloved classic, making it a must-try for anyone visiting or living in the Empire State.

The Origin of Steak Frites

Steak Frites, meaning "steak and fries" in French, has its roots in French cuisine. This simple yet elegant dish became popular in brasseries across France and Belgium, where it was celebrated for its straightforward yet flavorful combination of tender steak and crispy fries. Over time, it crossed the Atlantic and found a new home in New York, where chefs began to put their own spin on it.

Choosing the Perfect Cut of Steak

The choice of steak is crucial for making Empire State Steak Frites. Popular cuts include ribeye, New York strip, and filet mignon. These cuts are favored for their balance of flavor and tenderness. Quality matters immensely, so opting for grass-fed, organic beef can elevate the dish to new heights.

  1. Ingredients:

    • Ribeye steak
    • Russet potatoes
    • Salt, pepper, garlic powder, rosemary
    • Olive oil
    • Butter
  2. Preparation:

    • Season the steak with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and rosemary.
    • Cut potatoes into thin strips and soak in cold water for at least an hour.
  3. Cooking:

    • Preheat the grill or pan. Cook the steak to desired doneness, then let it rest.
    • Fry the potatoes twice—first at 325°F until tender, then at 375°F until golden and crispy.
  4. Serving:

    • Plate the steak and frites together, and serve with your favorite sauce.

Health Considerations

While delicious, Steak Frites can be high in calories and fat. For a healthier version, consider using leaner cuts of steak and baking the frites instead of frying them. Incorporating a side of steamed vegetables can also add nutritional value to the meal.